Blockchain vocabulary for developers.
There are plenty of web3 tutorials every where. We strive to save you time, give you the most useful materials, and make it beginner friendly.
Web3 Programming Language : We will need JavaScript (and JavaScript framework React) to develop web3 applications. A little bit of HTML, CSS, JavaScript will go a long way in web3 programming. Prerequisite for web3 developer is JavaScript and general front end skills. React is very helpful for building modern web apps fast with good UI. Web3 Libraries you should know : web3 libraries to know about. web3 libraries to know about 02 How to get started with Blockchain and Ethereum? Why JavaScript? But web3 is about so much more than just JavaScript. Tech Stack of Web3
Solidity : JavaScript is the language for web3 APIs, and solidity is the language for smart contracts that power blockchain transactions including transfer of tokens and NFTs between wallets (addresses).
Future of web3 Web3 is the future of the internet, but the future right now has an UIUX problem. It's hard for novices to understand how to transact, stay safe from fraud. And the gas fee for transactions is exorbitant.
Blockchain scaling problem Scaling is an engineering problem that every blockchain company cares deeply about.
Wallet : Connect wallet, security issue when connecting wallet.
KPI of blockchain : hash rate, a proxy for the network’s compute power, measured in unit of GH/s, ETH reached 812,769 GH/s in 2021 (etherscan + decrypt)
Smart Contract : What does a smart contract actually look like?
Free operations, no gas fee: anything that does not require changes to the blockchain, such as reading blockchain, contracts, accounts data etc.
"The public key (commonly shortened to pubkey) is known as the wallet's receiving address or simply its address. The wallet address may be shared and displayed freely. When another party is going to send some amount of cryptocurrency to a wallet, they need to know the wallet's receiving address. Depending on a blockchain's implementation, the address can also be used to view certain information about a wallet, such as viewing the balance, but has no ability to change anything about the wallet or withdraw any tokens. The private key is required to digitally sign any transactions to send cryptocurrencies to another address or to make any changes to the wallet. The private key must never be shared. If someone gains access to the private key to a wallet, they can withdraw all the tokens it contains. If the private key for a wallet is lost, any tokens that have been sent to that wallet's address are permanently lost." - solana presentations
Comment : That's a huge difference between traditional wallets and crypto wallets. For traditional accounts, people need to know both your username and password combo, even two factor authentication. But for crypto wallet, you just need the pass phrase. That's pretty easy to steal, scam.
Comment: there are also disadvantages of sharing public address. If your real personal info is associated with crypto wallet addresses what you do is no longer anonymous
Sandbox metaverse game development. Introduction to Sandbox metaverse game development basics